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Les Mémoires
Kelci Spears
I remember the ride down to Burbank airport to retrieve Todd from the scary flight (which Todd hated) he just got off.  I'm such a lily-livered-sap-sucker and I didn't want to drive there alone.  So, off we go in Eric's bumpy, rubberband fitted shocks, truck.  The ride was nice, but very bouncy!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Eric and I were hauling around trying to find what terminal Todd would be coming from and of course it was the furthest one from where we parked.  We get there and wait.  Here comes Todd (our first meeting).  I say to Eric, "Hey there's Todd!"  Mind you, I've never met Todd in person.  Eric says to me, "Naw, that ain't him".  I said sure it was!  Eric starts laughing because Todd has on this huge, flamboyant, tourist shirt.  Everyone hugged and we enjoyed out ride back home.  I miss you Eric.  Your friend, Kelci
Les Mémoires Totales: 16
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