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Les Mémoires
Ken Bethe
Well, I just heard that Todd and Eric are gone. They were some of my best friends for the past 10 years, I met Eric and A&P school 10 years ago and Todd through Eric. Sadly I had lost touch with them when they left Alaska, but I gather they were enjoying life.

Eric was always generous, he'd let me crash at his place or give me a ride whenever I found myself in Fairbanks. He's so focused, I was always impressed with his ability to latch onto something and submerse himself in it, he definatly jumped in with both feet.

When we were in school, he'd immerse himself into his books, trying so hard to get everything sorted out. I don't think he ever thought he'd really get through and become an aircraft mechanic, but he never even hinted at giving up.

One of the hobbies he jumped into while he was in school in anchorage was fly-fishing. My Family had a fishing lodge, so one summer I talked him and his neighbor into letting me take them to a spot I knew that was a blast to flyfish at. This also involved a ride in a float plane so they were both pretty stoked about that! Eric shows up looking like he stepped out of the Cabelas Fly fishing section. I don't think there was one square inch on him that wasn't accesorised.  After we got tired of catching Grayling, we hiked over to the next lake to try some Camloop trout. Eric was the master at catching the 2 inchers...  I don't know how they even got the hook to fit in they're mouth! We had a great day fishing, when I get home I'll send some pics from that day.
Jason LaHaye
I remember when I first met Eric I was sitting in the break room at the Mc Donalds we worked at reading a 4 Wheeler magazine. It seemed that from that time on we were almost joined at the hip. We always managed to have fun wheather it was on his old Yamaha or in my old SS Chevelle which we dubbed the bondo bucket (or as Dean called it a pile of junk because it leaked oil in the drive way.) But anyway back to memories ! The best memories I have from my big Bro where at Shaver Lake before he went into the Army and the little house we lived at in Fairbanks where when down on cash sometimes we had to be inventive with making deserts. When we had cash it was Ben & Jerrys but in the poor times it was our invention that we called P-CAKE. Now just to give some insight as to this contraption it consisted of Bisquik and a filling like canned blue berries. When all was said and done it had resembled something I cant put on this sight. A lot of my best memories are from little moments in time that the world as I new it in those times was right because I had a freind that no matter what I had done or what kind of shape I was in he was always there. This freind and Big Bro I will always miss and I owe him so much not only from the past but the futture I have today. Your little Bro Jason   Scouts rule!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiffaney Frodin

Uncle Eric, Aunt Kim (as my daughter likes to call them) and my Aunt Dorah came to Disneyland to watch my daughter, Kodi(who at the time was 13), sing in her choir.  When she was done we went around the park to ride rides and as we came across the Teacup ride, Kodi desides she wants to ride them. Now mind you my child does not like rollercoaster rides, but she loves to spin. The faster the better. I don't do "spin" and so I told her she would have to get one of her aunties to ride the ride with her. She tried and tried but was unable to convience them to go with her. Eric decided she should be able to go so he volunteered to ride the ride with her.  As soon as the ride started up, Kodi grabbed that wheel and started the spin cycle. Eric was right there with her and together I thought they could get that cup to take flight. About 1/2 way through the flight, I mean ride, Eric stops turning the wheel, goes white, green, purple and then white again. I figured at this point he was a gonner. He manages, somehow, to snap himself out of it and goes right back to spinning the wheel, but when the ride was over he was looking a little on the plaid side. Kodi had so much fun on those Teacups and she was so excited at how fast they had the cup spinning. Eric never once took away from her excitement. No matter how many times we asked him if he was ok, he just kept smiling and saying "I m fine" and "that was fun".  I never did hear him say "lets do it again" and I am sure he was greatful that Kodi did not ask to do so either.  At that point I figured that Eric earned the right to be called Uncle Eric. Out of all Kodi's uncle's I do not know of any of them that would have made it all the way through w/out needing Medical attention or at the least losing their lunch lol. Eric will be missed for more then just being able to survive the Teacups, but I truly felt he fit right in with our family from that moment on. We miss you Eric.

Tiffaney, Clay and Kodi :o)


Kelci Spears
The shoe rampage!  Mid July, Eric, Todd and I are in the mall.  Eric spys a pair of shoes he fell in love with.  He says, "They're too expensive".  I say, "Ok, let's take a peek in another store and see if we can find them cheaper".  Off we go.... 9 stores later and some sore feet, I say to Eric, "I'M CALLING FREER!".  I call Kim at work and tell her that Eric wants to buy a pair of shoes but he just can't find it in him to spend ANY money on a pair.  Kim says put him on the phone.  Hand the phone off to Eric, a few nods, a few "OK honey's" and he hands the phone back to me.  Kim says she told him to buy the *amn shoes.  Eric then says, "Well, let's go back to the store".  (Meaning the first store from 1 hour ago). Can we find it?  NOPE.  He ended up with a pair of shoes though.
Trish Mills
I remember the first time I met Eric.  It was his first week at work and I was interviewing him for our employee newsletter.  I asked Eric what brought him to live in a place like Randsburg?  Eric just gave me the biggest smile and replied, "I came back for the love of my life and her name is Kim!"  I thought then, that this has to be one of the sweetest guys I have ever met.  I now know that my first impression was spot on ~ Eric is by far, one of the sweetest, kindest guys I have ever known.  Eric, you will forever be in the hearts and memories of your friends and co-workers.  Your friend, Trish
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